Gourmet in London

You can spend hours slaving over a hot stove, flipping through Larousse Gastronomique til your eyes blur, but unless you’re really willing to put in the time (and then the extra hassle of all that washing up), if you’re looking for a truly fancy meal, you’d be better off checking out LivingSocial. We’ve cooked up a brilliant range of deals for gourmet cuisine in and around London, all with Michelin starred discounts! So whether you’re in the mood for grilled rock lobster, or chicken cordon bleu, we’ve got exactly what you’re looking for. Simply pick a restaurant you like the look of, book a table, and sit back and enjoy the charming atmosphere, attentive service and, most importantly, food that is absolutely beyond compare…

8 Course Tasting Menu With Wine - Bamboo-Mat Leyton




Michelin Star Eight Course Tasting Menu for 2 with Cocktail



Michelin Star Eight Course Tasting Menu for 2 with Cocktail