Facials in Nottingham

What part of your body gets the most weather, wear and tear on a day to day basis? Which area of your skin is very rarely covered? Which area probably gets constantly overlooked? That’s right, it’s your face… And that’s why here at LivingSocial we’ve got an excellent range of deals on luxurious facial treatments in and around Nottingham, with gorgeous discounts! Whether you’re looking for a relaxing, pampering prep session for an important occasion, or you just feel like a little TLC and have moved past the yoghurt and cucumber slice stage of your life, we’ve got a deal for you. With a wide range of treatments performed by consummate professionals, all using the best products on the market, you’ll be fresh faced and fancy free in no time!

Microneedling Facial Treatment at Healthy Looks, Nottingham



Microneedling Facial Treatment at Healthy Looks, Nottingham

PRP Vampire Facial - Nottingham


